devlog 39

Hi dear friends,

I can start this devlog off with fantastic news: the surgery of beloved mascot and co-director kitty Apricot was successful! The emergency vet visits I mentioned previously revealed a tumor, but fortunately it was a low grade one and the chance it'll return in the future is small.

I'm hoping for a similarly positive resolution of all the other chaos going on 🤞

Onto the log!

It's time to introduce The Harbinger's engineer, Cipher!

For all his peculiarities Cipher's skills as an engineer are unparalleled, though the rest of the crew might admit his capabilities more readily if he wasn't in the habit of running malware on the ship's network for fun. It's a mystery how they even got on The Harbinger at all, but it's clear they don't enjoy the same freedom the others have...

And a song for Cipher. The title is very on the nose, isn't it? Here are the lyrics if you're curious!

And: Resonance in Orbit now has tooltips!

A game all about being an interpreter/translator has to have a lexicon, doesn't it? I kept it pretty straightforward appearance-wise, but I like the simple look.

I also spent some time working out the worldbuilding for Orbit. It was really helpful to sit down and have a messy mind-map session, and I got a lot of good ideas out of it. I'm determined to have a workable storyline this time (instead of patching everything together and planning as I go).

That's all for now.❤️

much love,


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Glad to hear your cat is ok!


thank you!! <3 she's been a real trooper throughout it all!


I'm so glad your cat is okay! <3 I actually just went through surgery myself so I can relate ^^

Also Cipher looks so cool!! I especially love the shirt. Can't wait to meet them :D


thank you so much, and sending you well wishes for your own recovery! 💖
Cipher is very excited to meet you, too 😌